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Tony De Blase the designer of the Leather flag presented it for the First time at IML.ġ991 – IML 13 The fledgling leather archives were began with no fixed home as yet just a spark of an idea in Chuck Renslows head with able assistance from Tony de Blase.ġ992 – IML 14 San Francisco’s favourite cop after Dirty Harry the handsome as fuck Lenny Broberg upgrades his Mr SF title for the IML sash he went on to host the event in the new Millennium. The two surprising “high points’ since winning: first, was being chosen to receive the Leather Leadership award from the NGLTF in 2008 and second, was being inducted into the Leather Hall of Fame in 2012′. Thomas Karaschġ989 – IML 11 Guy Baldwin an IML legend and AT contributor was winner – Guy told us recently about the experience ”Winning IML in 1989 changed my life in many more ways than I can summarize in one paragraph.Īmong them, it was a powerful education about celebrity itself, about humility, about responsibility and about the variation in our leather world(s). International Ms Leather started using the tried and tested Chuck Renslow pageant format.

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1987 – IML 9 Europe got its first winner with Thomas Karasch the then Mr Leather Europe from Hamburg Germany beating 31 other contestants.

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