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Not that the fucking isn’t hot, it is an interesting combination of slow and athletic but the way the three men caress and kiss is just too good to be gone so fast.Įlsewhere in the Big Apple, soap producer Eric Ryan makes love to his boyfriend, mustachioed hunk Daniel Holt. They sixty-nine, burying their faces in each other’s thick bushes. Overall, their session is by the books, but the amazing camerawork and pacing give it a little something extra.īack in Donovan’s apartment, Collins takes a shower. As he dries off he sees a blond in a red Speedo (Steve Peters) on a nearby roof. The blond sees him, too, so he peels down his underpants and starts to diddle his uncut tool. Collins whips his cock out from his towel and does the same. They perform for each other, the blond kneads his ass cheeks and offers peek-a-boo peeks of his hole Collins practically stands on his tippie toes. When they both cum, they cum big!Įarlier, Daniel Holt delivered a script to Donovan and he and Collins made eyes at each other. Later in the day, Holt spots Collins through a shop window and silently lures him to the Chelsea Piers for a quick-n-dirty.

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